Before you come to your first class, please fill in the Health Assessment form here: Health Assessment form
Setting up your Yoga space at home
Here are some tips for creating your own yoga space.
- Setting up the area you do your yoga practice, is fundamental to sustaining and enjoying your practice.
- It needs to be away from main thoroughfares in your house, and not next to the kitchen, where smells and conversations will distract you.
- Having natural light, fresh air and a comfortable temperature is also helpful.
- To make your space feel inviting, try incense or essential oils - smell is important. Have something inspirational such as a photo of a yogi you admire, or a quote, a statue or a beautiful scene. You may enjoy fresh flowers.
- If you can leave your yoga mat down permanently, so it’s always available to do your practice, you are more likely to.
- Gentle music in the background can be helpful, as long as it doesn’t have a strong beat or high pitched sounds. Lyrics will stimulate the mind and distract you from your practice. An exception is mantras, which are designed to focus the mind.
- When you’re in a livestream class, put your camera on and make sure your teacher can see your whole body -move your camera further away to get your whole body in the picture. Put your device on a desk, table or chair to the side of your mat. Set up good lighting, from overhead or from a window. If your teacher can’t see you properly, they can’t give you accurate feedback during your practice. This means looking at your alignment in poses and helping you learn how to prevent injury. The live stream Zoom classes are always set up so that only the instructor can see the students. So during the class, the rest of the class can’t see you and you can only see the instructor.
- Try to be at class a few minutes ahead of time so that you are ready and don’t miss the first few minutes. Warm-up is important, and getting yourself in the right frame of mind sets you up for the rest of your practice.
- Have your blocks (or cushions), a blanket, a bolster (if you have one) and a strap or belt next to your mat.
- Close the door and turn off your phone so you have privacy and space to concentrate on yourself.
- Relaxation allows you to integrate the benefits of your practice, so stay to the end to get the full benefit of the class.